With Vista, Microsoft decided that the default power down option available on the Start menu should put your computer into sleep mode, that’s not what I want so I have changed it. And I guess that is why you are here, you want to change the Vista shutdown button.
In Vista you will find no less than 7 options for turning off your computer or putting it into one of several “standby” modes. In addition to the secondary power off menu (which is accessed by the small arrow at the bottom of the Start menu) there is the Power button on the start menu.
The Power button does not turn off your computer in its default settings; it places your computer into “sleep” mode. Sleep mode offers a very quick resume of less than two seconds but I like the Power button to shut down the computer straight away, right, so let’s go ahead and take care of that. The easiest way to get to the Power Options is to just type power in the Start menu search box or find Power Options in the control panel .
Now, click on the power plan currently in use and go to Change Plan Settings and then to Advanced Power Settings. Click the “+” sign next to Power buttons and lids and then do the same next to Start menu and power buttons, select the shutdown option. You can do this for only the plan currently in use but you could set it on all plans so Vista doesn’t try to surprise you.
And that is it, you now are able to change vista shutdown button. Easy hey.
I think it’s kind of cool that after changing the power button from sleep to shutdown it changes color from Yellow to Red as seen in the pic.
I will post more bits (and there are lots) about how to change Vista shutdown button soon.
This article is also on my other site goldcoaster.wordpress.com
This article is also on my other site goldcoaster.wordpress.com
thanks for letting me know, kellerman
- GoldCoaster
nice, thanks
thanks u rock!
I have made this on several computer but on my new laptop Acer Aspire 5738G it works until I reboot.
On every reboot the button come back to standby status...
There is a registry key that I can cahnge to do the same things...
I'm having the same trouble with my 5738Z.
Anyone got a suggestion??
you need to save this in every power setting, try that and see otherwise post agin and we will try something else.
This simply matchless message ;)
Thanks for this. Boy was that hard to find. I spent over 30 minutes looking for it before I found your fix. Thanks again.
Microsoft sure makes it hard to do simple things. And when you learn it in one OS, they change it in the next OS just out of spite! Or at least it feels like that to me.
Thanks for the comment. I had a hard time finding how to change Vistas shutdown button, thats why I put up this oldblog. Glad it has help you.
Do you happen to know how to change the button on the main screen that shows all the accounts when the screen is locked? I don't want it to automatically shutdown because my son keeps hitting it. I'd rather it sleep by default.
You're still helping people :) Thanks for the clear instructions xxxx
"and then to Advanced Power Settings. "
In Vista Home Basic, there's no such thing. Any further ideas?
With your help I have finally overcome this very basic irritation - thank you!
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